Wednesday, February 22, 2012

So long Jack Hammer

A few days ago, the boys said goodbye to their amphibian friend, Jack Hammer. Jack and his pal, Fred Finklehorn, came to live with us back in October when the boys returned from a trip to the toy store WITH THEIR DAD. Their new pets looked pretty much the same to me, but much like the parents of identical twins, Sam and Fulton would say...Oh no mom! You can definitely tell them apart. Jack's got the tiny spots and Fred has the big ones! In just a few months they had grown to appreciate each frog and his particular characteristics. It was really sweet!

Sam and Fulton agreed that he needed a proper burial. So we did what every good frog owner would do... We wrapped him up in tin foil and dug hole. They requested to bury him close to Dixie and Linus. "We found the perfect spot!", Fulton said. They made a little grave and each each said a few kind words regarding his good nature and overall character. They followed up with a prayer and thanked God for giving us Jack to take care of. The sincerity was PRICELESS!

Jack Hammer
October 2011-February 2012

Now, Fred swims freely in his acrylic cube.

Shannon and I both commented on how skippy and happy he seems without Jack in his way. Hmmmmm?... should we conduct an investigation?


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